The latest from Kylie

Life is a constant journey of growth and discovery

Life is a constant journey of growth and discovery

Life is a constant journey of growth and discovery. Sometimes we celebrate wins, and other times we gain lessons that make us stronger. Either way, every experience helps us move forward.

Dear Self

Dear Self

Yesterday, I held a meditation and sound healing session at an Aged Care home.
The theme for the session focused on the Heart Chakra (energy centre) - Love, Compassion and Gratitude, not just for others for ourselves too.
Often, we excel at offering love, compassion, and gratitude to others, yet we neglect to extend these qualities to ourselves.

Why not trying saying this to yourself today:

Dear self,

I know you’re doing the best you can.
I believe in you. I love you

Love me


Once a Beginner

Once a Beginner

How true is this!

My wonderful VA Sarah, found this quote and it sssooo resonates with me at the moment....not just for myself but for my kids too.

It's a fantastic way to put goals, intentions, careers etc into perspective!


Our emotions have a mind of their own.

Our emotions have a mind of their own.

Love this quote from Daniel Goleman "Our emotions have a mind of their own, one which can hold views quite independently of our rational mind."

Have you ever had those moments, either at home or at work, where you snap or react in a way that afterward, even surprises you???

Awareness of our emotions and/or triggers is the first step in EQ (Emotional Intelligence). The next step is to discover why we behave a certain as a result of these emotions or triggers.

If you feel drawn to understand why sometimes your emotions have a mind of their own....reach out 


Mindset matters! 🧠💡

Mindset matters! 🧠💡

he way we think about challenges and setbacks can shape our future. A fixed mindset believes that abilities are limited, while a growth mindset sees potential for learning and growth in every experience. In a fixed mindset, failure is seen as the limit of abilities; in a growth mindset, it’s an opportunity to grow. Those with a fixed mindset shy away from challenges, but with a growth mindset, challenges become tools for growth. When frustrated, people with a fixed mindset, give up, while in a growth mindset, effort and attitude determine success.Remember, the path to success is all about how we choose to think! Which mindset are you embracing today?

#kyliepagent #kyliepagentcoaching

Armored Leadership VS. Daring Leadership

Armored Leadership VS. Daring Leadership

We all grew up and experienced, at very varying degrees, trauma, disappointment…. hard stuff….so we armoured up.And at some point, that amour no longer serves us. The weight of the armour is too heavy, and it's not protecting you. It's keeping you from being seen and known by others.” Brene BrownHow right is this quote from Brene Brown!!I’ve been working on removing my armour over the past few years.Is it time to remove your armour?If yes or maybe…. Message me and I can share we can make this happen for you too!