Life is a constant journey of growth and discovery. Sometimes we celebrate wins, and other times we gain lessons that make us stronger. Either way, every experience helps us move forward.
Yesterday, I held a meditation and sound healing session at an Aged Care home.
The theme for the session focused on the Heart Chakra (energy centre) - Love, Compassion and Gratitude, not just for others for ourselves too.
Often, we excel at offering love, compassion, and gratitude to others, yet we neglect to extend these qualities to ourselves.
Why not trying saying this to yourself today:
Dear self,
I know you’re doing the best you can.
I believe in you. I love you
Love me
How true is this!
My wonderful VA Sarah, found this quote and it sssooo resonates with me at the moment....not just for myself but for my kids too.
It's a fantastic way to put goals, intentions, careers etc into perspective!
Love this quote from Daniel Goleman "Our emotions have a mind of their own, one which can hold views quite independently of our rational
Have you ever had those moments, either at home or at work, where you snap or react in a way that afterward, even surprises you???
Awareness of our emotions and/or triggers is the first step in EQ (Emotional Intelligence). The next step is to discover why we behave a
certain as a result of these emotions or triggers.
If you feel drawn to understand why sometimes your emotions have a mind of their own....reach out
he way we think about challenges and setbacks can shape our future. A fixed mindset believes that abilities are limited, while a growth
mindset sees potential for learning and growth in every experience.
We all grew up and experienced, at very varying degrees, trauma, disappointment…. hard stuff….so we armoured up.And at some point, that amour no longer serves us. The weight of the armour is too heavy, and it's not protecting you. It's keeping you from being seen and known by others.” Brene BrownHow right is this quote from Brene Brown!!I’ve been working on removing my armour over the past few years.Is it time to remove your armour?If yes or maybe…. Message me and I can share we can make this happen for you too!
To build a strong team, I invite you to look at someone else’s strength as a complement to your weakness not a threat to your position or
Effective leaders are always learners. Embrace both for lasting success.
Full your cup with moments that rejuvenate your soul.
Mediate to fid your inner peace, slow down and savour each moment.
Take a leisurely walk to clear your mind, make time to play and let your inner child shine, unleash your creativity.
Breathe in fresh air and pour your thoughts into a journal.
Embrace these simple yet powerful practices to nurture your well-bing and ignite your spirit.
Effective leaders are always learners. Embrace both for lasting success.
I am always curious as to what type of Leader inspires my clients, and also what type of Leader they want to be….sometimes these are the
same, but sometimes they are not.
The power of being a leader is knowing your own values, core strengths and weakness.
What type of Leadership inspires you?
Here are some Healthy Swaps to keep the energy levels, nervous system and your overall health balanced.🤩
Embrace gratitude, but never let it hold you back. Growth happens when you step beyond comfort.
Clients undertake my Leadership Programme for various reasons….be it to remove baggage that is holding them back, work on imposter syndrome,
to discover their ‘true calling’, to un-cover their true leadership style etc etc
But at the end of each individual session, I always want them to feel a shift or change…..
How would you like to feel after a session?
Please comment below 👇👇👇👇
Love getting feedback from clients 💗
#Kylie Pagent
Did you know that emotions, once stuck in our body can cause imbalances, including pain?
The 3 things that can help move emotional blockages are:
1. movement (eg yoga and dancing)
2. sound (eg crystal bowls and music)
3. breath (eg breathing meditation and breathwork)
To be Bitter or Your Best?
I was chatting with a friend yesterday about how some people, even with SSOO many challenges in their life, seem to be able to find the
rainbow ......whilst others seem to be bitter.
It's interesting to me, how by changing our thoughts, our mind, our perceptions ...we can find the rainbow 🌈and be able to show up as our
best version.....for others and ourselves!
Wisdom Wednesday 🧘♂️📚
So excited to share that I have become certified from the Embodied Breath Academy, as a Wild Love Breathwork Practitioner .
If you'd like to give Breathwork a go, you can book through my Bio or at
The power of words can have an impact on our body.
When we say things like "I am angry" or "I feel sad" over and over again, our body begins to believe, it gets stuck in our and it becomes
who we are .... an angry person or a sad person.
But when we can say " I feel sad" or that person has made me "feel angry", we enable our body to feel the emotion (the emotion has come up
for a reason), but also allow the emotion to pass and not become who we are.
If you feel you could benefit from Emotional Clearing, please DM me or make a booking via my Bio
When I started working, my dad used to say to me "the more you empower and teach your employees, the more they will grow, and as a result,
you and the company will grow too".......sage advice
Some leaders instead of empowering their staff and encouraging them to grow, live in fear that their employees might "know" too much and
surpass them.......I invite you to empower your team and grow!
What story are you telling yourself??
Here is a parable from a leadership book I am currently reading (Be Your Leadership Coach by Karen Stein):
A grandfather is telling his grandson a story:
'Grandson, there are two wolves which fight within us, and these same wolves fight within all of us.
The first wolf is mean, frustrated, angry, sad and hostile. He is sceptical, demeaning and pessimistic.
The second wolf is kind, calm and considered. He is optimistic, caring and compassionate.
Which wolf wins? asks the grandson
The grandfather replies, 'The one you feed"
Such a great reminder to be curious with yourself, and see where your energy is being spent and what stories or perceptions you might be
telling yourself.
Well my kids are back to school , which means I’m back at work full-time too!
So message me if you are curious about any my offerings below, or would like to book an appointment;
1. Leadership Mentoring Programme: 3- 6 month programme
2. Emotional Clearing sessions
3. Sound Healing sessions
4. Breathwork sessions
5. Reiki sessions
“Be the best version of you in 2024!”
You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.”— Mandy Hale
Yes it's that time of year again, when we have SSSOO much to get done in a matter of weeks!
My invitation to you, is to find just10mins each day, just for you.
This could be a cup of tea, walk outside, walk the dog, meditation, or read a book (no-social media).
I know for some this will be hard....
But I hope you can find the time :)
I just love this quote!It doesn’t matter if you are the leader of a corporation, the leader of a team, the leader of your family, the leader
of your local club, or sporting team, or the leader of your own life… you make people feel leaves a last impression
Embrace the journey of growth!
#EmbraceMistakes #kyliepagent #kyliepagentcoaching #wellbeing&leadership #Leadershipmentoring
“I've had the most incredible experience with Kylie!
It's not everyday you feel safe enough to share freely and openly, allow someone to guide you on a path to mental and emotional freedom.
This is what she did for me in her beautiful space.
She has a natural gift and uses it in the most loving and nurturing way.
It feels so great to know I have a place I can go when I feel challenged by life...
Thank you so much Kylie!”
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (or stroke, if you prefer swimming like me :)
Your transformation is our passion.
#TransformationJourney #kyliepagent #kyliepagentcoaching
Embrace the Unpredictable, Master Your Response