Distance Healing

Distant Healing

What is Distant Reiki?

As you may know, we all have access to the life force energy, otherwise known as our chi, qi or prana, that flows through each and every living being. Distant Reiki is one of many ways to link to and channel this energy for the healing benefit of others. Perfect for times like now, when we can’t be in the same room!

Distant Reiki works according to an ancient principle called the “Hermetic Law of Similarity”, which says we are all energy matter - a part of a larger whole - and we are all connected. Therefore during a distance Reiki session the practitioner is able to link up to the energy field of the recipient.

How distant Reiki sessions work?

Distant Reiki can be sent to anyone, anywhere and at any time.

I'll admit I wasn’t sure when I first started performing distance Reiki healing. Yet as I continue to practice, the evidence speaks for itself.
During sessions, which I'll often do over the phone, I've had people ask if I was just working on a particular area, or say things like, "I felt my arm tingling just now." And indeed, it would be the place where I was working.
Regardless of distance, Reiki can have benefits such as increasing feelings of relaxation, happiness, empowerment, and ease.

If you’d like to give Distant Reiki a try, head to https://www.soulfulhealinghands.com/bookings/

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